As artificial intelligence, also known as “AI” becomes more of a household word, it is worth pointing out not only how cool it can be, but also how some uses raise privacy concerns.

The rapid growth of technological capabilities often surpasses our ability to understand long-term implications on society. Decades later, we find ourselves looking

A new report issued by the World Economic Forum (WEF), called “Global Risks Report 2018,” lists the threat of cyber-warfare and cyber-attacks affecting the public as the world’s third greatest threat in 2018, only behind natural disasters and extreme weather.

The report notes that because of an increased global reliance on connected devices and the

With the revelations that the Paris and San Bernardino attackers used encrypted communications to recruit, communicate and plan their attacks, the U.S. government is again pushing the tech industry to provide it backdoor access to encryption protocols. Bypassing security mechanisms through a backdoor, law enforcement believes, permits it to more effectively track users and content,