Just weeks after Mexico’s central bank was targeted by hackers who stole $15 million, Chile’s biggest bank, Banco de Chile, announced on May 28, 2018, that it had been struck by a “virus” that affected its workstations, including malware that contained disk-wiping capabilities. The malware sabotaged approximately 9,000 master boot records of the bank’s computers

It used to be anecdotal that hackers can change the integrity of data in a bank account or steal your money if they get into the electronic system. I have heard many credible accounts of intrusions into systems where the intruders are able to change the integrity of the data—that means that if the balance

This week (May 8-12, 2017) is Privacy Awareness Week—an annual initiative of the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities Forum (APPA) that concentrates on sharing information about privacy practices and rules.

The APPA is an interesting group made up of privacy regulators from Australia, British Columbia, Canada, Colombia, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Macao, Mexico, New South Wales,

Cybersecurity specialists at BAE Systems and Symantec announced last week new evidence suggesting that the criminals behind the notorious 2014 attack on Sony Corp. are also responsible for recent cyber-attacks involving 104 organizations in 31 countries. Researchers and investigators have long attributed the 2014 Sony attack, which crippled computer systems and revealed internal emails, to the North Korea-linked group known as “Lazarus.” Malware recently discovered running on the computers of a Polish bank suggest that the Lazarus group is now targeting global financial institutions using a sophisticated “watering hole” technique.
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