The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, released its annual report to Congress this month.  The 793-page report responds to the Commission’s mandate to “monitor, investigate, and report to Congress on the national security implications of the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the United States and the People’s Republic of China.” The report is

Manufacturers and other companies are facing a critical shortage of skilled workers in manufacturing, technology, healthcare, construction, hospitality, and other industries that are outpacing educational institutions’ training ability. As baby boomers retire without sufficient younger workers to replace them, the problem will only worsen. Many companies are spending money on artificial intelligence (AI) to address

In the age of web-connected vehicles, the consumer’s relationship with the vehicle’s manufacturer takes on a whole new meaning. Not only does the relationship exist for the purpose of vehicle maintenance or future repairs, but the consumer also serves as a rolling information bank to the manufacturer. Indeed, nearly every new vehicle is by default

It seems impossible to stay on top of all the major changes that are going on in the drone industry, so here’s a list of some trends to keep a close eye on this year:

For Platform Manufacturers:

  • Lots of consolidation is happening–mergers, acquisitions, drop-outs and market focus changes.
  • Trends towards strong specialization–agriculture, delivery