I often get asked whether law enforcement is making any headway in catching cybercriminals. Although it is a challenging task, a recent example of a big win for law enforcement deserves celebration.

Authorities from 40 countries, territories, and regions came together to assist INTERPOL with a recent global cybercrime initiative known as Operation HAECHI-V. The

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has announced that it is forming a Cyber-Digital Task Force that will combat global cyber threats.

The Task Force will concentrate on gathering the methods that the DOJ uses to fight cyber threats and figure out ways law enforcement can combat the problem, starting with what efforts are being used

The Police Foundation, a non-profit organization for policing across the United States, recently released a new infographic for law enforcement agencies seeking to establish a program for small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS or drones). The infographic, “UAS and Public Safety” accessible here, includes an overview of operational, training, and legal and regulatory compliance considerations for law enforcement agencies interested in implementing UAS for public safety purposes. It also highlights key recommendations for law enforcement agencies related to community engagement before launching UAS to the skies.
Continue Reading Police Foundation Releases New Infographic and Tips for Law Enforcement Agencies Use of Drones

The nation’s largest police union recently suffered a data breach enabling hackers to steal hundreds of private internal documents including bargaining contracts, the names and addresses of several police officers, and controversial threads from the Order’s member-only online forum.

The Fraternal Order of Police (the “Order”), which represents about 330,000 law enforcement officers across the

“Going Dark” refers to law enforcement’s lack of technical ability to intercept and access communications and information. In response, the Department of Justice (DOJ) is using a law from the 1700s, the All Writs Act, which grants courts the power to issue “necessary or appropriate” writs to force cellphone manufacturers to assist it in extracting