The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced this week that it intends to increase the scrutiny on data brokers to better protect service members, law enforcement officials, domestic violence victims, senior citizens, and other populations from surveillance, doxing, fraud, and threats of violence when cyber threat actors purchase personal and financial information from data brokers
Privacy Tip #276 – Free Weekly Credit Reports Offered by Credit Reporting Agencies
By Linn Foster Freedman on
Posted in Privacy Tips
The best way to find out if you have been the victim of identity theft and to determine what accounts may have been opened in your name by criminals is to get a copy of your credit report. Prior to the pandemic, individuals were eligible to obtain a free credit report from each of the…
U.S. Chamber of Commerce and FICO Release Security Guidelines on Telework During COVID-19
By Linn Foster Freedman on
It is no secret that companies are experiencing an increase in security incidents following the transition from work in the office to work from home during the pandemic. There are a number of causes, including the difficulty of controlling the security of at-home technology equipment such as routers, printers, personal assistants and other IoT devices,…