The world has rallied around Ukraine since Russian forces invaded this past week, including, it seems, hackers. The hacktivist collective Anonymous, which gained prominence between 2008 and 2014 with a series of high-profile politically motivated cyber-attacks against such disparate groups as the Church of Scientology and PayPal, has come out of the woodwork once again
Hackers Post Athletes’ Medical and Drug Testing Records Online
By Linn Foster Freedman on
Posted in Cybersecurity
Hacking group Fancy Bear, reportedly a Russian group, who allegedly hacked into the Democratic National Committee emails which made headlines, has posted U.S. Olympians’ medical and drug testing records online. Although it has been described as a “smear” campaign, the U.S. Olympians, in Olympian style, tweeted and thumbed their noses at the hackers, by saying…
Businesses rejoice but poster beware: Yelp ordered to identify anonymous reviewer
By Edward Heath on
Many business have suffered the misery and frustration of a harshly negative, anonymous online review. That anonymity, critics argue, frees the reviewer from worries about the need for accuracy and, worse yet, encourages the spiteful posting of false accusations designed to drive away customers. In competitive markets, the targeted business has no choice but to…