We have repeatedly warned our readers about malicious QR codes and their use by threat actors.
Threat actors are now using these codes to disguise packages as gifts. Upon opening the package, recipients find a note with instructions to scan a QR code to identify the sender. The code launches a website that asks for credentials to get more information about the “gift” and provides instructions for returns. The website could also ask for credit card or personal information.
It has become such a problem that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued a scam alert.
According to the FTC:
“If you scanned the QR code and entered your credentials, like your username and password, into a website, change your password right away. Create a strong password that is hard to guess, and turn on two-factor authentication.
If you’re concerned someone has your personal information, get your free credit report at AnnualCreditReport.com. Look for signs that someone is using your information, like accounts in your name you don’t recognize. (You can get a free credit report every week.)
Also review your credit card bills and bank account statements and look for transactions you didn’t make. And consider taking other steps to protect your identity, like freezing your credit or putting a fraud alert on your credit report.
If you think someone stole your identity, report it, and get a personal recovery plan at IdentityTheft.gov.”
This week is Identity Theft Protection Week. Sign up for the free resources provided by the Federal Trade Commission at ftc.gov and stay safe.