The writers’ strike included the concern that artificial intelligence (AI) would put writers out of business. According to one writer, David Vuijsje, “[T]he creative industry stands at a crossroads where technology and human creativity must learn to coexist harmoniously.” He muses that provisions in the new agreement between Hollywood and its writers “sets a vital precedent for industries worldwide, reinforcing the principle that AI should be a tool that enhances, rather than replaces, human creativity.”

I couldn’t agree more. We have written about the legal risks associated with the use of generative AI, but that doesn’t mean that its use should be prohibited. There are acceptable uses that will change our world. However, it is a tool, an aid, and nothing can replace the human brain’s ability to process, analyze, and be creative. Determining acceptable uses, with controls in place in a centralized AI governance program will reap the benefits of the power of AI while mitigating the risks.

Vuijsje eloquently concludes (and I could not say it better):

“Artificial intelligence has the awesome potential for augmenting human creativity and decision making, but never replacing it. Its greatest potential lies in empowering humanity and democratizing our ability to express ourselves in new and unimagined ways. The sooner we, as a society, embrace this role for AI, the sooner we can get over our fears and begin reaping the immense opportunities it has to offer.”