WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging app announced a hack and the exposure of a security flaw this week. The flaw injected malware onto users’ phones, potentially exposing their otherwise encrypted data and messages. WhatsApp allows users to instant message and make phone calls throughout the world. The app features described on its website include simple, secure, and reliable messaging and is widely known for encrypting messages between users.

This week’s announcement of the security flaw and resulting malware reportedly targeted specific individuals. WhatsApp has not yet announced how many of its 1.5 billion users were affected, but is recommending that users upgrade to the latest version of the app – version 2.19.134 updated on May 10, 2019.

While you are updating the WhatsApp, it’s a good idea to keep all your apps up to date, change passwords frequently, and do a little phone hygiene and clean up your phone and delete unused and out of date apps.