This week the San Bernardino County issued a warning to drone operators: If you fly, we can’t. Just this year, several fire-fighting tanks have been diverted away from their targets in San Bernardino County due to the presence of hobbyists’ drones. The result? Well, now the Board of Supervisors in San Bernardino County are offering a $75,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of anyone who flew a drone and interfered with fire-fighting aircrafts during the recent Lake, Mill 2, and North fires that broke out this year. The Board will offer up to $25,000 for each fire. Chairman of the Board, James Ramos, said, “In the most recent fire, the North fire, we saw cars and trucks burning on the freeway, we saw homes burn, and we saw families running for their lives. We want to know who was flying drones, and we want them punished.” The problem with these drones flying in these areas is that low-flying fire-fighting tankers could accidentally suck up the small low-flying drones into their jet engines, which could cause the tanker to fail and crash. This will surely be one of the first, but not the only, public service announcement, warning and reward offering, related to unsafe drone operation. Watch out for more and stay away from the skies above forest fires.