Universities are an attractive target for hackers because they contain many access points in their networks, and the networks contain financial and personal data as well as intellectual property. Last summer, hackers breached the computer network at the UCLA medical center. In response, the University’s president, Janet Napolitano, covertly ordered a new security system to
UCLA suffers another data breach
Last week, UCLA notified 1242 patients that their health information may have been compromised in July when a faculty member’s laptop was stolen.
UCLA has notified the patients, the Office for Civil Rights and the California AG of the data breach.
Tough going for UCLA, which also suffered a cyber attack on its information systems…
UCLA cleared in lawsuit alleging breach as to sexually transmitted disease information
UCLA was absolved by a California judge last week in a suit filed by a patient of a UCLA affiliated doctor’s group, who alleged that a temporary worker in the doctor’s office used the doctor’s username and password to get into her boyfriend’s previous girlfriend’s medical record. The medical record contained information that the previous…
Class action filed against UCLA following data breach
We previously reported that UCLA suffered a data breach affecting 4.5 million patients. Days following the announcement of the breach, plaintiffs filed a proposed class action lawsuit against UCLA, alleging that UCLA should have seen the attack coming and that they “knew or should have known of the risks inherent in maintaining their customers’ nonpublic…