In what is being called a systematic targeting of large health care organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and IT companies and equipment manufacturers that service the health care industry, Symantec has reported that a new hacking group, dubbed “Orangeworm,” is carefully selecting its targets and strategy prior to launching an attack.

According to Symantec, the hackers have

Cybersecurity specialists at BAE Systems and Symantec announced last week new evidence suggesting that the criminals behind the notorious 2014 attack on Sony Corp. are also responsible for recent cyber-attacks involving 104 organizations in 31 countries. Researchers and investigators have long attributed the 2014 Sony attack, which crippled computer systems and revealed internal emails, to the North Korea-linked group known as “Lazarus.” Malware recently discovered running on the computers of a Polish bank suggest that the Lazarus group is now targeting global financial institutions using a sophisticated “watering hole” technique.
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Symantec Corp released its annual “Ransomware and Businesses” report this week outlining the increasing sophistication of ransomware attacks. Individuals continue to be the primary target of ransomware attacks as they usually have the weakest security measures. Although the health care industry has clearly been targeted recently, the report states that the service industry and manufacturing