On September 9, 2020, the Portland, Oregon City Council voted unanimously to ban the use of facial recognition technology by the city government, including the police department, following similar actions by the cities of Boston and San Francisco. According to one Council member, “[T]his technology just continues to exacerbate the over-criminalization of Black and brown

OnBoard Security, a Wilmington, Massachusetts-based security provider, announced last week that graduate students from Johns Hopkins University Information Security Institute (JHUISI) have successfully implemented a secured type of sense-and-avoid (SAA) technology for drones to prevent mid-air collisions that is not as vulnerable to cyber-attacks as other prior SAA technologies. The JHUISI team knew that they

Wickimedia Foundation, along with other well-known media and civil rights groups, including the National Association of Defense Lawyers, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International USA, PEN American Center, Global Fund for Women, The Nation Magazine, The Rutherford Institute and the Washington Office on Latin America filed suit against the National Security Agency (NSA), the Central Security