The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recently made some Section 333 policy changes that may have slipped under some commercial pilots’ radars. Back in November, the FAA posted a document in the Federal Register that revoked closed-set drone operations over people for those operators who had previously been approved for this type of flight under Section
Section 333
Insurance company drones may be hitting the skies
By Kathryn Rattigan & Guest Contributor on
Posted in Drones
Back in March, our Data Privacy + Security Insider blog reported an increase in the use of commercial drones by State Departments of Transportation across the country. Now, insurance companies are also getting in the game. Using drones for underwriting, determining property values and conditions for policy issuance, inspections and risk evaluations may be more…
FAA 2016 to 2036 Aerospace Forecast released
By Kathryn Rattigan on
Posted in Drones
Last week, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released the “2016 to 2036 Aerospace Forecast” stating “there is optimism that the industry has been transformed from that of a boom-to-bust cycle to one of sustainable profits.” According to the report, profits will not be the only thing hitting the skies; the FAA predicts dramatic…