The Ponemon Institute recently issued its 2020 Cost of insider Threats Global Report, which finds that the frequency and cost of insider threats is continued to increase. Sponsored by ObserveIT and IBM, the 2020 report is the third consecutive report that studies insider threats and their impact on businesses in terms of frequency, cost and
risk management
FFIEC Members Issue Joint Statement to Financial Institutions on Role of Cyber Insurance as Risk Management Tool
By Norman Roos & Scott Baird on
Posted in Cybersecurity
On April 10, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) members issued a joint statement discussing cyber insurance and its potential role in the risk management programs of financial institutions. Members of the FFEIC include the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, National Credit Union…
OCR Warns of Cyber Extortion and Provides Checklist
By Linn Foster Freedman on
Posted in HIPAA and Health Information
In its January newsletter, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) focused on cyber extortion, which it stated has “risen steadily over the past couple of years and continue to be a major source of disruption for many organizations.” Since the health care industry has been the target of cyber extortion attacks, the OCR is…