Top mutual fund firm The Vanguard Group, Inc. unveiled a plan last week to incorporate blockchain smart contract technology into some of its indexing operations beginning early next year. Vanguard’s initiative will be carried out through a partnership with the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) and technology provider Symbiont and is intended to simplify Vanguard’s index data sharing process. By utilizing a dedicated blockchain network created by Symbiont, Vanguard hopes to make CRSP data available to investment managers on a nearly instantaneous basis.
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Pier Sixty LLC
NLRB determines vulgar Facebook posts protected concerted activity
By Kathryn Rattigan on
Posted in Social Media
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) determined that Pier Sixty LLC, a New York catering service, violated federal labor law by firing an employee server after he posted a Facebook message protesting supervisory abuse and encouraging other employees to vote for a union in an upcoming election. At a recent catering event, employee, Hernan Perez,…