Ireland’s Data Privacy Commissioner will reportedly fine Instagram for its handling of children’s data. According to an investigation that began in 2020, Instagram published emails and phone numbers for children ages 13 to 17 who operated business accounts. Business accounts typically post this information by default. Meta, Instagram’s parent, plans to appeal the €405 million
Privacy Tip #344 – Advocacy Groups Urge Senators to Advance Bills Protecting Children’s Data
Provider groups and privacy advocates have joined together to put pressure on Congress to pass two bipartisan bills designed to bolster children and teens’ privacy.
The Kids Online Safety Act (S. 3663) and the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (S. 1628) were both passed out of the Senate subcommittee with bipartisan support. That’s…
Privacy Tip #189 – Online Dating
As someone who has been married a long time (longer than the Internet has existed), I never experienced the online dating scene. Everyone has their own opinion on the topic, and without getting into the merits of online dating, there is risk for children, which is the subject of this privacy tip.
The Federal Trade…
FBI Issues Warning about Internet-Connected Toys
We previously reported about the microphone and video capabilities of Echo technology [view related post]. The FBI is also concerned about this technology being used in toys that are connected to the Internet.
The FBI is so concerned that yesterday, it issued a Public Service Announcement that warns consumers that Internet-connected toys “could present…
Privacy Tip #8 – How teachers can assist students to be safe online
It is scary to read the headlines that kids become victims of crimes, some of them horrific, because of online activity. Kids are naive and susceptible to online predators. Parents must be vigilant in educating their children about online activity and teachers can reinforce lessons learned at home to help kids stay safe.
How can…