We all remember the Ashley Madison data breach [view related posts here and here]. The hackers, calling themselves “The Impact Team” requested that the Ashley Madison extramarital affair site, and Cougar Life and Established Men sites be “taken down.” When they weren’t, they posted details (9.7 gigabites worth) to the dark web of approximately

Anonymous users of the almost 40 million users of the Ashley Madison website have filed suit against internet service providers (ISPs) GoDaddy and Amazon alleging that they have been damaged because the ISPs hosted the stolen data and allowed the stolen data to be easily accessible and searchable (view related posts Aug. 27Aug.

Hackers calling themselves “The Impact Team” announced on July 15th that it has compromised the extramarital affair site AshleyMadison.com, and companion sites Cougar Life and Established Men, including absconding with up to 37 million users’ financial records. The sites promised that for an extra $19.99, users could completely remove their site usage history and personally