July is Military Consumer Month. On the eve of the Fourth of July, we celebrate democracy and the past service of our veterans and those presently in service for protecting us and our democracy. Thank you so very much.

It is therefore fitting for July to be deemed Military Consumer Month. Special attention should be given to our service men and women to protect them from fraud, identity theft, and imposter scams. The Federal Trade Commission has deployed a website set up specifically for those in the military to access helpful tips and education about scams affecting consumers, including those in the military. The website is MilitaryConsumer.gov. If you are in the military, avail yourself of these resources to protect you and your family from fraud.

The website is a one stop shop for military personnel seeking information on scams and schemes, how to detect them, how to prevent yourself from becoming a victim, what to do if you are a victim, and resources to better equip you to avoid becoming a victim.

Kudos to the FTC for providing a comprehensive place for those in the military to get helpful tips and tools on schemes, scams, and frauds.

Happy Fourth of July to all and stay safe this holiday weekend.