The FBI’s Internet Computer Crime Center (IC3) is a portal for individuals and companies to report crimes and losses suffered over the Internet.

The FBI keeps track of such crimes to assist victims by providing information about criminal groups and to gather information on a national basis to locate and prosecute those responsible.

Each year, the FBI issues a report outlining crimes reported through IC3 by category and magnitude of loss to provide a snapshot of the state of Internet crimes committed the previous year.

The FBI recently issued its annual IC3 report from 2021, which showed that there were 847,376 complaints made to IC3, a 64 percent increase from 2020. The value of losses reported in 2021 totaled over $6.9 billion. Of those losses, business email compromise was the costliest at $2.4 billion, and cryptocurrency losses accounted for $1.6 billion.

The FBI continues to ask individuals and businesses to report any losses experienced over the Internet so it can gather information, assist victims, and work with the Department of Justice to prosecute those responsible.